Intake Appointment: $250
1 hour session: $200
Sliding-Scale Model
If you are unable to access therapy at the rates above, please contact us to explore our sliding scale therapy spots. Below you will find a model that will guide our discussion about coming to a sliding scale fee that ensures accessing therapy does not create a hardship for you while also valuing your therapist.
Personal Financial Situation
I am comfortably able to meet all my basic needs*
I may have some debt, but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs
I have stable housing that more than meets my basic needs
I have easy and reliable access to transportation that meets my basic needs
I am employed or do not need to work to meet my needs
I have regular access to health care
I have access to financial savings and/or investments
I have an expendable income**
I can always buy new items
I can afford an annual vacation or take time off
I may stress about meeting my basic needs, but still regularly achieve them
I may have some debt, but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs
I have access to transportation that meets my basic needs
I am employed
I have access to health care
I have some access to financial savings/investments
I have some expendable income
I am able to buy new items and thrift others
I can take a vacation annually or every few years without financial burden
I frequently stress about meeting basic needs and don’t always achieve them
I have some debt, and it sometimes prohibits me from meeting my basic needs
My housing situation doesn’t meet my basic needs or I have unstable housing
My access to reliable transportation is unaffordable or inefficient
I receive mutual aid from community members to try to meet my basic needs
I am unemployed or underemployed
I qualify for government assistance including food stamps and health care
I have no access to financial savings
I have no or very little expendable income
I rarely buy new items because I am unable to afford them
I can’t afford a vacation or have the ability to take time off without financial burden
*Basic Needs include food, housing, and transportation. **Expendable Income might mean you are able to buy coffee or tea at a shop, go to the movies or a concert, buy new clothes, books, and smilier items each month.
Sliding scale courtesy of Alexis J Cunningfolk: