
CAMI offers professional consultation in the following areas:

Understanding Trauma Processing in a Therapy Practice

For those looking for comprehensive frameworks for working with prenatal, early childhood, and complex trauma. Consultation will focus on the neuroscience of trauma, impacts of trauma throughout the lifespan, case conceptualization, and clinical skills. Consultation will be influenced by clinicians such as Ruth Lanius MD, Frank Corrigan MD, Bill Nash MD, Jessica Christie-Sands PhD, Jaak Panksepp PhD, Donald Pfaff PhD, Antonio Damasio PhD, and Bethany Brand PhD. 

Applying Critical Ethics in a Therapy Practice

Critical Ethics offers a framework for approaching ethical practice that relies on relationships, analysis of power dynamics, and collaboration rather than rules, codes, and fear-based mandates. For those who feel constrained by their current ethical decision-making frameworks, receiving consultation to learn and apply a critical ethics framework can help to integrate the shift into practice. 

Applying a Liberation Framework in a Therapy Practice

At CAMI, we are invested in supporting therapists to challenge the foundations of their standard practice and begin to see new, anti-oppressive ways of doing therapy. Consultation will focus on unlearning dominant worldviews in therapy practice, challenging power-based structures, and addressing the impact of systems of oppression on those you support in your practice. Consultation will support therapists as they learn to embody therapeutic practice with a solidarity and collective care lens.

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